Community Post:

Welcome to the community post page where anyone can share useful advise to others!
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User Jayden White Jayden White

Q: What advise do you have to offer to others who are dealing with anxiety?

Answer: Some advice that I have is to breathe and stay calm about things (take your time).

User Owen Owen

Q: What advise do you have to offer to others who are dealing with anxiety?

Answer: You have support, and its always okay to ask for help. Don't believe you are supposed to tackle it all, 100% of the time.

User Elijah.martinez Elijah.martinez

Q: What advise do you have to offer to others who are dealing with anxiety?

Answer: One thing i have to say to people with anxiety is To try and get out of your comfort zone and talk to people in the world And sometimes you can make friends from talking and being social to people.

User Jacky Jacky

Q: What advise do you have to offer to others who are dealing with anxiety?

Answer: Take a breather! Leave everything behind and go for a walk, you can go to wherever you'd feel the most relaxed (nearby park, friend's house). :)

User_ Sop

Q: What advise do you have to offer to others who are dealing with anxiety?

Answer: Take a deep breathe and focus on the things that keeps your mind off of stuff this can be like listening to music, painting, drawing, cooking, going to park, and etc.

User_ Danielle

Q: What advise do you have to offer to others who are dealing with anxiety?

Answer: Focus on breathing techniques.
